9 of the best Texecom Connect recipe ideas

9 of the best Texecom Connect recipe ideas

Texecom App Recipes Explained Texecom Connect is the app that turns your Texecom Premier alarm into a smart home alarm system.  One of the key and uni

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Texecom App Recipes Explained

Texecom Connect is the app that turns your Texecom Premier alarm into a smart home alarm system.  One of the key and unique parts of the Texecom Connect app is the ‘recipes’ that it allows you to create.

A recipe is a set of rules based around ’cause and effect’, which allows you to connect devices in a smart way – usually along the lines of ‘IF X THEN Y’.  For example, ‘IF the front door opens THEN turn on hall light’.

The sophistication of the Texecom Premier alarm equipment and the smartness of the Connect app means that ‘recipes’ gives you endless possibilities to make your home both smart and secure.

Texecom connect app recipe

9 of the best Texecom Connect recipe ideas

Here’s our list of our top 9 recipe ideas, to help you think about what you might want to do with your Texecom Smart Home system . . .

1. Welcome lights

Rule set to provide courtesy lighting when you arrive home at night.  RECIPE DETAIL: turn on hall light IF front door opens AND alarm is set

2. Holiday night lights on/off

Rule set to automatically turn lights at a certain time of the day, to make it look like there’s someone at home.  RECIPE DETAIL: IF away THEN turn on lights at 8pm and turn off lights at 11pm

3. Intruder lights on alert

Rule set to automatically turn lights on in your property if an intruder is detected.  RECIPE DETAIL: turn lights on (inside and outside) IF alarm is set AND movement is detected

4. Turn sockets off when out of house

Rule set to automatically turn off important plug sockets (e.g. your hair straighteners) when away from home – so you never have to worry about leaving stuff that could cause fire again.  RECIPE DETAIL: IF you are outside the house AND alarm is set THEN turn off plugs

5. Specific room door open notification

Rule set to send notifications to you if movement is detected in important / high security / no go rooms in your property e.g. wine cellar, your home office, your server room, high-value storage room.  RECIPE DETAIL: Send notification IF motion is detected in room X.

6. Specific person activity notification

Rule set to send notifications if a specific person (selected by you, for example your cleaner / nanny etc.) enters & exits your property or a specific part of your property.  RECIPE DETAIL: send notification IF person X turns off / on the alarm system

7. Geo-fence automatic alarm set

Rule set to automatically set your alarm when you’re out of the house for a certain period of time (so you never have to worry that you haven’t set your alarm.  RECIPE DETAIL: IF you are away from your property AND there’s been no sensor activation for more than 10 minutes THEN set the alarm.

8. Late night perimeter alarm set

Rule set to automatically set the perimeter sensors of the house (e.g. door contacts / vibration sensors) when you’re at home but it’s after a certain time at night.  RECIPE: IF you’re at home AND it’s after 9pm THEN set certain selected sensors (e.g. front and back door sensors)

9. Dog walker mode

Rule set to only allow the dog walker to unset the alarm at certain times of the day and only have access to certain rooms (to ensure the dog walker doesn’t go into rooms they are not permitted or enter the house at non-specified times).  RECIPE: IF you’re a specific person (e.g. the Dog walker) AND it’s after 5pm THEN do not allow entry to house).