How to fix common faults with a burglar alarm system

Quick guide on how to fix common burglar alarm faults Burglar alarm systems are fairly complex with multiple different pieces of equipment - a

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Quick guide on how to fix common burglar alarm faults

Burglar alarm systems are fairly complex with multiple different pieces of equipment – all of which could develop faults over time. Here’s a list of the most common faults with burglar alarms and also suggested solutions:

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If you’ve got a problem with your burglar alarm system, then it’s more than likely to be one of these common alarm system faults:

Old battery: If you’ve had your panel for a while, your batteries might have gotten old. An old battery can cause a myriad of problems with your alarm system. It is recommended that batteries in alarm panels are changed every 4 or 5 years. To fix a faulty battery all you need to do is to replace it with a new one.

Cable damage: If you have a wired alarm, then damaged cables will result in a zone. Always being ‘open’ or tamper faults on your alarm system. To fix a damaged cable you need to replace it or patch the cable.

Faulty sensors: If you have a faulty sensor, then you need to either replace the sensor entirely or check to see if there’s a specific fault to do with the termination / wiring of the sensor. It could also even be something as simple as a loose sensor lid.

Faulty alarm panel: If you’re experiencing a fault with your alarm panel it may be simply just a single faulty zone, or it might be that the whole alarm panel is starting to develop faults and needs replacing. Please note, it is common for old alarms to develop faults that require the alarm to be replaced.

If you want a professional engineer to fix your alarm system, get in touch with the SmartSecurity team. www.SmartSecurity.Support

Watch how to video

If you want to fix the faults on your home alarm system yourself, then watch the following video – which provides a useful guide:

Still, need help?

If you still need help with your alarm, then get in contact with our team to see if we can help you >>

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Or if you know you need an engineer then book an ‘on-site visit’ where one of our trained engineers comes out to your site to fix your problem.  Book an engineer visit here  or email us at

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