Common causes of false alarms & how to stop

Common causes of false alarms & how to stop

Quick guide on how to stop alarm from false alarming There are a number of reasons why your alarm could be false alarming - from environmental

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Quick guide on how to stop alarm from false alarming

There are a number of reasons why your alarm could be false alarming – from environmental issues to damaged equipment. Here is a list of the most common causes of false alarms with some with suggested solutions:

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More in-depth user guide

There are a number of things which could cause your alarm from false alarming. The most common reasons for a burglar alarm false alarming are:


– Possible Cause: Strong light, drafts, and heating systems can affect standard PIR detectors.

– Solution: To fix a problem with heat or light, replace your standard PIR (Passive Infrared) detectors with dual technology MIR (Microwave Infrared) detectors – this reduces sensitivity to environmental factors.


– Possible Cause:  Spiders and insects can trigger sensors by crawling over them. 

– Solution: To fix a problem with spiders or insects use a vacuum cleaner or duster to thoroughly clean around the sensor to prevent false triggers.

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Poorly fixed sensor:

– Possible Cause: Improperly installed sensors can cause tamper faults.

– Solution: To fix a sensor that is badly installed you will need to check the sensor cover is installed correctly and not causing a tamper fault.

Faulty device:

 – Possible Cause: Malfunctioning sensors can cause false alarms.

 – Solution: To fix a faulty sensor you need to replace the sensor with a new one.

Cable damage:

– Possible Cause: Damaged cables can lead to intermittent connections and false alarms.

– Solution: To fix a faulty sensor you need to replace the sensor with a new one.

Poor sensor termination:

 – Possible Cause: Loose or poorly connected wires inside the sensor.

– Solution: To fix a badly terminated sensor you will need to open the sensor, and make sure the cables are terminated correctly – i.e. the wires are tightly screwed in.

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Faulty zone on control panel / expander:

– Possible Cause: A malfunctioning zone can trigger false alarms.

– Solution: To fix a faulty zone, you will need to either try a different zone on the panel or replace the PCB (i.e. the main circuit board) in your panel, or replace the expander unit.

Faulty alarm battery:

– Possible Cause: A weak or failing battery can cause false alarms.

– Solution: To fix a faulty battery you need to replace the battery in your main alarm panel with a new one.

Please note that alarm batteries should last 4 to 5 years.

If you want a professional engineer to fix your alarm system, get in touch with the SmartSecurity team.

Watch how to video

If you want to try to fix your alarm false alarm problem yourself, watch the following video for tips:

Still, need help?

If you still need help with your alarm, then get in contact with our team to see if we can help you >>

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